Friday, March 9, 2018

I am Pregnant!

I am 14 weeks along (15 tomorrow)! We heard the heartbeat at 11 weeks, and got to hear it again yesterday!
 We will find out if our Baby is a boy or a girl the day he or she is born :) So I thought it would be fun to test some old wives tales & keep a tally to see if they guess correct or not! Today I have 2 to test out:
According to the Chinese Gender Predictor on my pregnancy app - Baby is a Boy
According to the heartbeat - above 140bpm (heartbeat was in the 160s) Baby is a Girl
So far we are tied! I will have more "tests" to check out in the near future! Before we know it, we will know for sure! :)
So is there anyone else out there who waited until birth to know the gender of your baby? Or do you think I'm crazy like Hubby does? ;)