Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Gentle Zoo

Today to celebrate Nephew turning 3 earlier in the month, he & I took a trip to the Gentle Zoo in Forney, TX. It is a petting zoo, and an animal rescue.
There wasn't anywhere you could be in a pen with the animals like other petting zoos. However, they did have the turtles above he could Pet, and this turkey was really fascinated with him.
And they had several animals you could feed!
As soon as they would start eating he would exclaim, "They like it!!"
He loved feedingredients each animal!
Llama llama!
Then we found the sandbox with dump trucks! I didn't think we would ever leave again! If it were up to him, we would still be there now!
This was really cool, but still a little to big for this 3 year old. In theory you can work your own digging machine with the levers :)
He liked the air-pillow at first, but then decided it was too high, and he slid off.
Finally someone realized what every kid wants in a slide! No stairs! You climb up a slide, and slide down the other!
Tractor Train time!
He told me it was bumpy & I needed to hold on :)
We saw a kangaroo on our train ride!
A little more time in the sandbox before heading home :)
Happy birthday Not a Baby Luke ;) Aunt Krystle & Uncle Patrick love you very much!!!

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