Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Married A Barbarian


And if that doesn't convince you, look at this catapult he built! The whole time he was out in the garage making it, I kept telling him that our neighbors must think we are crazy!

He made it for a life size version of Angry Birds which we played with the youth group. They loved it! :)
Then he also built this Tranquilizer Chair. It was a prop for a play for one of our friends who is a drama teacher. 
This is how it looks being used. It was originally created in 1811 to keep the mentally unstable restrained. It's basically a torture device, and my Hubby built one!

Conner looked pretty cute in it though :)

So I buy Hubby tools for his birthday & Christmas, and he makes torture devices! At least they are for a good cause... right?! ;)

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